DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line, it uses a customer’s ordinary telephone line to create a dedicated, high-speed connection to the internet. In addition to providing speeds that are up to 30 times faster than dialup, DSL is always on and it does not tie up your phone line. You can talk and go online at the same time, with just one phone line.

DSL Application
Services mSPEED Lite mSPEED mSPEED Plus
  • 1Mbps
  • 0.5Mbps
  • 4Mbps
  • 1Mbps
  • 7Mbps
  • 1Mbps
Email addresses 1 5 5
Price (standalone) $70.00/month1,2 $87.00/month1,2 $102.00/month1,2
Price $50.95/month1 $67.95/month1 $83.95/month1

1Prices do not include applicable taxes, surcharges or fees. Customer agrees to the terms, conditions and acceptable use policies.
2Standalone price does not require residential phone service from MIDTEL.

Faster internet speeds from 10Mbps to 1Gbps are available, depending on location.

Questions? Call us 518.827.5211 or send us an email.